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California-Nevada-Hawaii/Division 36
Fontana Kiwanis

Kiwanis is a global organization of volunteers dedicated to improving the world
one child, one community at a time.
Kiwanis, through guidance and example,
works to develop future generations of leaders.
First & Third Tuesdays
12:00 p.m.
Check Calendar for other meetings
Sundowner Restaurant
8983 Sierra Avenue, 92335
Sponsored Programs
The Fontana Kiwanis Club sponsors many programs. Some of those are:
1) 5 Key Clubs at the five Fontana comprehensive high schools.
2) 1 K-Kids at Rosewood Elementary.
3) Boy Scouts of American.
4) Holiday food for less fortunate local families.
5) Fontana toy collection for needy children.
6) Fontana School District Clothes Closet.
7) Relay for Life.
8) Special Olympics fund-raising & support of events.
9) Kiwanis California - Nevada- Hawaii (CNH) Children's Fund
10) UNICEF and Kiwanis International have partnered for several years to "Eliminate Neonatal Tetanus" worldwide.
11) Pediatric Trauma Program "PTP"
12) Community Little Libraries books
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